The periodic accreditation is a voluntary peer review to assure quality improvement in the organizational structure and function. As per the previous (2019) NAAC recommendations (activities 2013-18), CUJ has worked more seriously and systematically on all the SWOT aspects to deliver quality education in society and is not merely to qualify for a higher grade. IQAC-CUJ do not view NAAC preparation as a mere documentation exercise for external assessment but as a self-introspection and provides the opportunity to improve institutional and infrastructure systems with team spirit, innovation and enthusiasm. The preparation process IQAC-CUJ actively involved presenting activities 2018-22, the management, faculty and staff, alumni and student bodies efficiently.

Measure: 1 - Curricular Aspects

1.1.2 Percentage of Programs where syllabus revision was carried out during the last five years.
Minutes of relevant Academic Council/BOS meeting
Document Name of the Department Link for BOS

S.No. Department Name Academic Council/BOS meeting Minutes (Link for BOS)
PHYSICS 2018- -2019- -2020- -2021- -2022- -2023
CHEMISTRY 2018- -2019- -2020- -2021- -2022- -2023
LIFE SCIENCES 2017-- 2019 --2020 --2021 --2023
MATHEMATICS 2018- -2019- -2020- -2021- -2022- -2023
GEOGRAPHY -2022- -2022(1)- -2022(2)
GEOINFORMATICS 2018- -2019- -2020- -2021- -2022- -2023
PERFORMING ARTS -2016- 2019- -2020- -2021-
ANTHROPOLOGY AND TRIBAL STUDIES 2019- -2020- -2021- -2022- -2023
EDUCATION 2018(I)- -2018(II)- -2020- -2021- -2023
ENGLISH STUDIES 2021- -2022- -2023
FAR EAST LANGUAGES -2019- -2020- -2021 -2023
HINDI 2018- -2019- -2020 -2021 -2023
MASS COMMUNICATION 2016- -2017- -2019- -2021- -2023
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 2022(1)- -2022(2)- -2023
COMMERCE & FINANCIAL STUDIES 2020- -2021- -2022- -2023
METALLURGICAL & MATERIALS ENGINEERING 2018- -2019- -2020- -2021- -2022- -2023
ENERGY ENGINEERING 2015- -2017- -2019- -2021- -2023- -2024
CIVIL ENGINEERING 2016- -2017- -2023
COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING 2018- -2019- -2021- -2023

1.3.2 Number of value-added courses offered during last five years

Measure: 2 - Teaching-learning and Evaluation

12.1.1 Demand Ratio (Average of last five years) Data template

2.2.1: The Institution assesses the learning levels of the students and organizes special Programs for advanced learners and slow learners

  • Approved Dissertation titles
  • Award received by students in Conference- seminar
  • Dissertation presentations
  • Earn While You Learn ICT-based learning modules developed by teachers Internship Reports.
  • Report and photos of field visits
  • Report of Alumni Meet
  • Report of Exit Interview Report of PTA meetings
  • Student’s publications
  • Minutes of AC meeting for Examination Pattern Result Analysis

2.2.2 Student - Full-time teacher ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year) List of Students and Faculty

2.3.3 Ratio of students to mentor for academic and other related issues Year-wise, the number of students enrolled and full-time teachers on roll

2.4.4 teachers who received awards, recognition, and fellowships at State, National, and International levels from Government/Govt. Recognized bodies’ e-copies of award letters

2.5.4: Current Manual of Examination Automation System {View Document}

2.6.2: Feedback processes of the institution Feedback from Teachers, Students, Alumni, Other Stakeholders, and Parents Analysis of Feedback Action Taken Report Surveys

2.6.3 Pass Percentage of Students List of Programmes and number of students who passed and appeared in the final year examination

2.7.1: Online student satisfaction survey regarding the teaching-learning process

Measure: 3 - Research, Innovations and Extension

3.1: Promotion of Research and Facilities Research Profile of the University Policy for Research Promotion Policy for Research Ethics The number of teachers who received national/international fellowship / financial support from various agencies for advanced studies/research year-wise during the last five years. E-copies of the award letters of the teachers The Number of JRFs, SRFs, Post Doctoral Fellows, Research Associates and other research fellows enrolled in the Institution year-wise during the last five years. E-letters of Research Fellows from CSIR UGC e-letters of Research Fellows of Projects

3.1.5: The Institution has the following facilities to support research: Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF) Total number of awards/ recognitions received for research/ innovations won by institution/ teachers/ research scholars/ students year-wise during the last five years e-copies of award letters

3.4.2: The Institution provides incentives to teachers who receive state, national and international recognitions/awards e-copies of the letters of awards

3.4.7: E-content is developed by teachers. Link for Institutional LMS Link for Media Facilities

3.5 Consultancies e-copies

3.6.4 Students participating in extension activities

Criterion: 4 – Infrastructure and Learning Resources
Criterion: 5 – Student Support and Progression

CUJ underwent the First Cycle of the accreditation process by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) in 2019 based on the University’s activity during (2013-2018). These were based on the NAAC-endorsed intricate framework of seven criteria presented in the assessment. This information is available online:

Measure Curricular aspects SSR 2019
Measure Teaching learning and evaluation SSR 2019
Measure Research, consultancy, and extension SSR 2019
Measure Infrastructure and learning resources SSR 2019
Measure Student support and progression SSR 2019
Measure Governance, leadership, and management SSR 2019
Measure Innovations and best practices SSR 2019


The Self-Study Report (SSR) was carefully prepared and submitted for the NAAC accreditation process. The SSR report of CUJ reflects the self-evaluation that involves the participation of all the stakeholders – students, faculty members, parents, administrative staff, management, employers, local community and CUJ alums. The CUJ IQAC has put all efforts into accumulating information on different aspects of educational services and gathering the credibility of all stakeholders to facilitate the developmental journey. This is meant not only for the NAAC accreditation but also to catalyze self-improvement, promoting innovation, strengthening to excel and imparting the best education.

NAAC SAR/SSR for the 2nd Cycle of Accreditation

(2017-2022; Submitted on **/**/2023/24) {PDF-LINK}


NAAC SAR (Aug 2021 to July 2022)

NAAC SAR (Aug 2020 to July 2021)

NAAC SAR (Aug 2019 to July 2020)

NAAC SAR (Aug 2018 to July 2019)

NAAC SAR (Aug 2017 to July 2018)



Graphical Representation based on QnM & QlM

Institutional Grade Sheet

Opted Out Metrices

Peer Team