Controller of Examination
The Controller of Examinations is the principal officer-in-charge of the timely conduct of examinations of the university and declaration of the results. The CoE works directly under the directions and control of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor.
The Examination Section is the backbone of the examination system. The examinations are conducted with utmost precision, fairness and objectivity to gain public credibility and esteem. In order to achieve this there is frequent interaction and consultation with the Dean AA including all the Deans, Heads, Faculty and other officers of the University through which all the rules and procedures relating to the examinations are strictly followed. All the Forms/ Proforma for use in the examination process/ system and documentation have been drawn out in standardized formats. Measures to curb unfair means and malpractices have also been listed along with the penalty and punishments.
Works taken care by the Office of the Controller of Examinations:
The following works have been attended to by the Office of the Controller of Examinations:
Issue of calendar of events and schedule of examination after notification of examination fees and inviting applications from the candidates for admission into University examination.
Scrutiny of original examination application forms of candidates before the commencement of Practical/ Theory examinations.
To process the Exam-Registration.
On receipt of statement of the details of Exam. Fees paid the Admit cards are issued.
Appointment of Centre Superintendents and further appointment of Invigilators and other officials/staff required for conduct of examination for each session of the examination and issue of instructions regarding the conduct of examinations.
The Centre Superintendent(s) shall be responsible for the proper and smooth conduct of examinations. He/ She shall take all necessary action before, during and after the examination for the smooth conduct of examination and dispatch of answer-booklets to the office of the COE.
Preparation of detailed Time Tables and their publication in time by the designated Centre Superintendent.
Conduct of examinations for theory and practical examinations.
Preparation of the subject-wise, paper-wise and date-wise statement to print question papers with code. Question Papers are printed in excess of what is actually required in each subject.
Preparation of the question paper packets indicating course, subject, semester, date of examinations, number of question papers etc. in each packet.
Maintenance of all records, statistics, stock registers and database of candidates pertinent to examinations.
Collection and maintenance of data regarding the number of examinations, number of candidates registered for each examination, the number of boys, girls, regular candidates and repeaters, percentage of passes, number of answer scripts and additional scripts used etc.,
After the examination, collection of answer papers and distribution of written answer sheets for valuation to the examiners after each examination.
On receipt of the duly signed mark foils from the Department by the concerned Faculty & HOD, processing in the Exam. Section the Tabulation sheet, verification and obtain approval from the Hon’ble VC for the declaration of results in the SAMARTH portal.
Preservation and disposal of valued answer scripts at least for six months from the Invigilators after the announcement of final results.
Arrangement for preparation and distribution of mark sheets, CGS, Provisional, Migration certificates to the candidates.
Preparation of merit lists and their transmission to appropriate authorities/ bodies.
Collection of work done statements from the Centre Superintendent, Paper setters and External Examiners and forwarding them to the Finance Section for payment of remuneration.
Arrange for photo-copy/re-evaluation of valued answer-booklets requested by the candidates on prescribed application form with due fees.
Processing of the bills of printing and purchase of stationery and miscellaneous expenses etc. submitted by the Center Superintendent.
Processing of contingent expenditure of the departments to conduct theory and practical examinations with due approval by the Vice Chancellor.
Assisting the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor in constitution of committees to deal with all types of cases of misconduct/ malpractices, detected before, during and after examinations.
Announcement of results of examinations, dealing the cases of withheld results for future announcement and follow up work with SAMARTH in cases of any discrepancies.
Issue of migration certificates, duplicate marks card/ duplicate degree certificate, consolidated marks card, provisional Degree certificate, rank certificate, etc.
Preparation of Merit lists, in collaboration with the various Departments of Teaching/ Study and Faculties of the University.
The following Convocation works are attended to by the Office of the CoE:
Inviting applications for award of Degrees.
Preparation of the eligibility list of candidates and presenting the lists for convocation and arrange to write/print the distribution of the Degree Certificates to be conferred at the convocation.
Receipt and scrutiny of applications for conferring degree in person and in absentia during the Convocation.
Preparation of Presentation lists, faculty wise, year wise, in person and in absentia separately.
Preparation of lists of Chancellor’s Medal winners and Gold Medal winners.
Print the lists of students attending the convocation and preserving the bound volume of such list.
Writing/printing of degree certificates/Rank certificate/Gold medal certificate, Ph.D. certificate etc.
Intimating the candidates about the date and venue of convocation.
Distribution of admission cards and parent passes to candidates for the convocation.
Distribution of Degree Certificates during the Convocation.
Arrangement for obtaining degrees online by candidates.
Works taken care by the Ph.D Section of the Office of CoE:
There is also a Ph.D Section within the Office of the Controller of Examination which looks after the following:
All the post Ph.D admission matters including the issue of Registration notifications.
Issue of the Courseware certificates
Evaluation of DRC/RAC recommendations
Processing the cases of temporary withdrawals and Fellowship period extension.
Processing of Part time Ph.D cases,
Notification for the Pre submission Viva,\.
Processing the Thesis evaluation and Final Viva voce.
Finally recommend to the Academic Committee for award of Ph.D Degree.
COE office Employee
Name of Employee |
Designation |
Contact no |
email |
Dr Bhunia |
AR – I (Ph.D) |
8001285730 | |
Dr. Soumen Dey |
7870361886 | |
Mr. KD Tiwary |
AR – III Exam. |
7797066036 |
Dr. Shivendra Prasad |
AR Exam |
9431772944 | |
Mr. Prem Roshan Chettri |
Assistant Exam |
8002488898 | |
Mr. Rabindra Kumar |
488339030 | |
Ms. Kajal Kumari |
LA |
7004127245 | |
Mr. Santosh Kr. Ravi |
LA |
| |
Mr. Ashish Ranjan |
| |
Mr. Rambrit |