Language and Cultural Exchange Program at Central University of Jharkhand

The ongoing event, “Samsung Global Expert 2024 Hindi Language and Culture Training Program,” hosted by Central University of Jharkhand (CUJ) from August 5 to August 9, 2024, marks a significant milestone in fostering international cultural exchange. This five-day program has welcomed 15 delegates from South Korea, including 13 associates from Samsung and two distinguished professors from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS): Professor Gyan Prakash and Professor Koh Tae Jin. The primary aim of this initiative is to facilitate a rich exchange of language and culture between the Samsung associates and the students of CUJ. This endeavor is crucial as it promotes mutual understanding and appreciation of cultural nuances, enhancing the global outlook of both the participants and the host institution.

The event is being meticulously coordinated under the guidance of CUJ’s honorable Vice-Chancellor, Professor Kshiti Bhusan Das, who serves as the chief patron, with Registrar Shri K K Rao as the other patron. Various faculty members of CUJ have been assigned advisory roles to ensure the smooth execution of the program. The core team, comprising these esteemed individuals, has been instrumental in organizing a series of interactive sessions, workshops, and cultural activities that highlight the diversity and richness of Hindi language and Indian culture.

Throughout the program, the delegates have engaged in numerous interactions with the students of CUJ’s Korean Department, fostering a dynamic environment of learning and cultural exchange. Professor Koh Tae Jin, in particular, has shown a keen interest in the students, participating in lively discussions and sharing his profound insights into cultural nuances. His enthusiasm and engaging approach have made a significant impact, creating a memorable experience for all participants.

In addition to the on-campus activities, the delegates are also touring prominent Indian cities such as Bengaluru and Delhi. These excursions aim to provide them with a broader understanding of India’s cultural landscape and the distinct variations in Hindi accents across different regions. This holistic approach ensures that the delegates gain a comprehensive insight into India’s linguistic and cultural diversity.

The significance of this program extends beyond the immediate interactions and learning experiences. It underscores the importance of cross-cultural dialogue in an increasingly globalized world. By bridging cultural gaps and fostering mutual respect and understanding, such initiatives pave the way for stronger international collaborations and partnerships. The sponsorship by Samsung highlights the role of corporate entities in promoting cultural and educational exchanges, thereby contributing to global peace and harmony.

Each day of the five-day program is packed with diverse activities, fostering an environment of cultural exchange and mutual learning. Workshops on Hindi language basics, facilitated by CUJ’s experienced faculty, offer the Samsung associates and HUFS professors a foundational understanding of the language, focusing on conversational skills and common expressions used in daily life.In addition to the language workshops, cultural immersion activities play a pivotal role in this program. The delegates participate in traditional Indian music and dance sessions, providing them with a firsthand experience of India’s artistic heritage.

The cultural evenings are a highlight, featuring performances by CUJ students showcasing their talents in traditional arts, followed by informal discussions and Q&A sessions with the delegates.

Another significant aspect of the program is the series of seminars and lectures conducted by the visiting professors and CUJ faculty. These sessions cover topics such as the historical evolution of the Hindi language, the influence of Indian culture on global trends, and the role of language in fostering international relations. Professor Koh Tae Jin has been particularly active, engaging students in thought-provoking discussions about cultural similarities and differences, and sharing his experiences and insights from South Korea.Field trips are an integral part of the agenda, with visits to local cultural landmarks and historical sites around Jharkhand. These excursions provide the delegates with a deeper understanding of India’s cultural and historical context. Additionally, the delegates are on scheduled tours to Bengaluru and Delhi, where they will explore iconic monuments, participate in local festivals, and meet with experts to learn about regional variations in Hindi dialects and accents.Interactive sessions with students from CUJ’s Korean Department are also a core component of the program. These sessions facilitate an exchange of cultural stories, customs, and traditions, creating a platform for students to learn about Korean culture while sharing their own. The informal interactions, often over traditional Indian meals, have been instrumental in breaking down cultural barriers and building lasting connections.

In a broader context, the “Samsung Global Expert 2024 Hindi Language and Culture Training Program” is a testament to the power of cultural exchange in building bridges between nations. The program not only enriches the participants’ understanding of each other’s cultures but also strengthens the ties between India and South Korea. The interactions and experiences shared during this event will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact, promoting a deeper appreciation of cultural diversity and fostering global unity.

Overall, the ongoing events under the “Samsung Global Expert 2024 Hindi Language and Culture Training Program” are meticulously designed to provide a comprehensive and enriching experience for the South Korean delegates. These activities not only enhance their understanding of the Hindi language and Indian culture but also promote intercultural dialogue and collaboration, laying the foundation for future partnerships between CUJ and international institutions.