National Service Scheme

Dr. Hrishikesh Mahato,
NSS Coordinator

The National Service Scheme (NSS) is an Indian government-sponsored public service program conducted by the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Government of India. Popularly known as NSS, the scheme was launched in Gandhiji's Centenary year, 1969. Aimed at developing student's personality through community service, NSS is a voluntary association of young people in Colleges, Universities and at +2 level working for a campus-community linkage.
Program Officers
Name Designation email-Id
Dr. Pragya Shukla NSS Co-coordinator pragya.shukla@cuj.ac.in
Dr. Pragya Shukla NSS Co-coordinator pragya.shukla@cuj.ac.in
Dr.Rajanikant Pandey Programme Officer - 1 rajnikantdu@gmail.com
Dr. Hena Firdaus, Programme Officer - 2 hena.firdaus@cuj.ac.in
Dr. Rashmi Verma Programme Officer - 3 rashmi.verma@cuj.ac.in
Dr. Upendra Kumar Programme Officer - 4 drupendra.kumar@cuj.ac.in
Dr. Neera Gautam Programme Officer - 5 neera.gautam@cuj.ac.in
Mr. Sushant Kumar Programme Officer - 6


Understand the community in which they work

Understand themselves in relation to their community

Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem Solving process

Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem Solving process

Develop among them a sense of social and civic responsibility

Utilize their knowledge in finding practical solution to individual and community Problems

Develop competence required for group living and sharing of responsibilities

Gain skills in mobilizing community participation

Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude

Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters

Practice national integration and social harmony.

The main mission of the R&D Cell is to create a conducive environment for enhanced research productivity in the university and also encourage collaboration with external agencies, both national and international level. It also promotes and manages University-Industry interactions and all externally funded research and development projects as well as patents. The Cell acts as a liaison between the University and funding agency to undertake sponsored projects. The main function of the R&D Cell are:

i. Encourage faculty members to prepare research proposals, interdisciplinary research and published their research in reputed journals
ii. Share the information regarding project advertisement under different funding agencies.
iii. Provide information and guidance for getting Projects in various disciplines.
iv. Encourage faculties to apply for patents or other Intellectual Property Rights.
v. Process the Project proposals for approval.
vi. Facilitate MOUS/agreements to be signed between the University and sponsoring agencies.
vii. Communicate with funding agencies.
viii. Appoint Project Advisory Committees (if required)
ix. Liaise with the Administration Division for infrastructure to be provided Facilitate recruitment of project staff, consultants, administrative and technical staff.
x. Monitor progress of the project periodically.
xi. Suggest peer reviewed national and international journals for subscription in the central library.
xii. Conducting research conclave for the research scholars
xiii. Addressing issues pertaining to Research Scholars
xiv. Conducting interactive sessions with Research Scholars and apprising them with ethical practices.
The University has established a Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF) for the use of all the faculty members and research scholars. The CIF is equipped with various instruments meant for research in addition to other instruments available at the various departments of Science, Engineering and Centre of Excellences.