The Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (formerly known as Department of Nanoscience &
Technology,) has been established in 2010 with the purpose of creating an exciting, diverse, collaborative and
supportive ambience that advances in the materials engineering by developing fundamental understanding, adopting
frontier technologies, providing education and enabling technological innovations. The Department currently offers
Integrated (B. Tech. and M. Tech.), M. Tech. and Ph.D. programs. The department attempts to offer an inexorable
curriculum added with cutting edge knowledge driven activities for both academic and professional excellence of the
students. The integrated (B. Tech. & M. Tech.) program comprises various aspects of materials including their
mechanical behavior, physical metallurgy, thermodynamics, kinetics etc.
The focus of an integrated program is to impart excellent knowledge and training to the students who would be able to
join different global metallurgical industries or research organizations as qualified engineers, researcher and scientist,
the Ph. D. program is designed to train the students to do innovation in the materials to meet the cutting-edge
technologies requirement.
- * To create vibrant ambience for quality education and research in the frontier technological areas for the student to meet the industrial and societal needs.
- * To disseminate understanding about the role that materials play for technological innovations and entrepreneurships with focus on "Make in India" concept.
- * To make academic & research collaboration on campus and with national/international institutes/industries.
- * To create research infrastructure for independent thinking for innovation in materials design and IPR.
Head of the Department
Head & Professor (Ph.D., M.Tech.)
Office Address
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Central University of Jharkhand
Road Brambe,Ranchi,Jharkhand