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Department of International Relations
Basic Information:

  • Name (English): Department of International Relations
  • Parent Institution: Central University of Jharkhand
  • Department Establishment Date: July 2012
  • Nature of Institution: Gov. of India Establishment (Central Statutory Body)
  • University Establishment Legislation: Central Universities Act, 2009
  • Programmes Offered:
  • Integrated BA-MA in International Relations (Closed now)
  • MA in Political Science with Specialization in International Relations
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in International Relations

    About the Department

    The Department of International Relations was established in the year 2012. Initially the name of the department was Centre for International Relations. In February 2018 its nomenclature was changed to the Department of Politics and International Relations which continued till February 2022. After that the nomenclatureof the department has been restored to the Department of International Relations. Initially it was offering 5-year Integrated M.A. course till 2016-2017 and from 2017-2018 department offered M.A. in International Relation. At present, Department is offering M.A. in Political Science with Specialization in International Relations and Ph. D Research Programme in International Relations since 2015.

    This department is dedicated to promote teaching skills and research development in the emerging areas of South Asia, Central Asia, South East Asia, West Asia, Indo-Pacific, Environment, Human Rights, International laws and Organizations, Indian Politics and Government, Political Thought, Good Governance, Comparative Politics, and so on. While the Department organize the National and International seminar/conferences, special lectures, annual activities and discussion among the students with faculty. Since its inception, the department has been concentrating on maintain at the global standard in the class, teaching and research programmes. The Department is committed to provide a new vision, new directions, new ways and devoted to the academic activities, which remain the unique opportunities in the discipline of Politics and International Relations. In papers like India’s Strategic Thinkers and Indian Political Thought the department curiously endeavours to the proud indigenous knowledge system of India and its diversity.

    Master’s Course curriculum has been very carefully designed which caters to the needs of the students in the present context. Both the core areas of International Relations and Political Science have been incorporated in the curriculum. This Department has endeavoured to include sufficient amount of literature and modules from different regions of the globe. The faculty have represented the Department at both international and national level. The Department is also offering teaching and learning medium in both languages English and Hindi.

    Department's Vision

  • The Department shall strive to emerge as a local academic and intellectual platform for learning and developing knowledge in the area and its dissemination, to help the students to become experts of the subject with global perspective and information, so that they can enhance international communication and cooperation in a rapidly changing world of politics, economy, and technology.
  • Our vision is to groom the new generation foreign policy ambassadors, diplomats and analysts who can work across borders to tackle shared challenges, promote stability, and protect shared interest.
  • The Department is a forward-looking organization which endeavors to make its mark in academic circles at the national level and abroad and contribute meaningfully towards enriching the discipline of International Relations.
  • Further the department endeavors to provides a deep understanding of global politics, diplomacy, and international cooperation which will open doors to careers in government, international organizations, non-profits, consulting, journalism, and more.
  • Mission Statement

  • The Department shall strive to emerge as a local academic and intellectual platform for learning and developing knowledge in the area and its dissemination, to help the students to become experts of the subject with global perspective and information, so that they can enhance international communication and cooperation in a rapidly changing world of politics, economy, and technology.
  • Department’s mission and vision is to groom the new generation foreign policy ambassadors, diplomats and analysts who can work across borders to tackle shared challenges, promote stability, and protect shared interest.
  • Department is a forward-looking organization which endeavors to make its mark in academic circles at the national level and abroad and contribute meaningfully towards enriching the discipline of International Relations.
  • Further the Department endeavors to provide a deep understanding of global politics, diplomacy, and international cooperation which will open doors to careers in government, international organisations, non-profits organisations, consultancy, think tanks, journalism, and more.
  • Department’s mission is to promote the mission and vision of the University in local, regional, national and international levels. As India’s foreign affairs are closely integrated with the country’s fundamental security and developmental priorities, the Department is making all possible efforts to promote national interest in all levels.
  • Head of the Department


    Dr. Alok Kumar Gupta

    Associate Professor & Head (Ph.D.)

    Office Address

    Department of International Relations
     Central University of Jharkhand
    Cheri-Mantu, P.O. Kamre, P.S.Kanke Dist. Ranchi, Jharkhand, INDIA 835222