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Department of Geoinformatics

The Department of Geoinformatics was established in January 2012, under the School of Natural Resource Management. The Department offers various PG courses in Geoinformatics viz. M.Sc (2 yrs), Int. M.Tech. (5 yrs) and Ph.D. The Department offers various courses in Geoinformatics .These courses are designed keeping the advances of Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS technologies and its integration with geosciences, water resources, wildlife habitat, forest and ecology, agriculture and soil, coastal management, urban and regional planning etc. with wide spectrum of research in these field. These courses aim to develop both a solid theoretical understanding and a comprehensive practical introduction to the use of Geoinformatics in the day-today life as well as in the sustainable development of the society and the environment.
The Department is equipped with basic and state of art equipments, which includes Workstations, Server, DGPS, LiDAR, Handheld GPS, Mobile Mapper, Soil Moisture Meter (TDR), Chlorophyll Meter, Forestry Pro Ranger, Infrared Gun, Soil Compaction Meter, Surveying instruments, DSLR camera, Scanners, plotters as well as various GIS and Image Processing softwares viz., Geomatica, MAPINFO, IGIS, ArcGIS, ENVI, ERDAS Imagine, AutoCAD and eCognition, including the open source software like QGIS, SAGA-GIS, R-CRAN and Python. The department has active academic and research collaboration with Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), DST, DBT, IORA ecological solution limited, Columbia University, New York, and various other academic/ research institutions of national and international repute.


To serve the academic/research community and society through Geoinformatics applications-based education to enable them to use spatial knowledge for natural resource management and cultural heritage under climate change perspectives to achieve sustainable development goals.


To impart knowledge in the field of Geoinformatics for resource management aiming towards quality education through innovative cutting edge technologies in consonant with industry to cultivate responsive citizens for the holistic growth of society and environment.

Area of Research

Vegetation Remote Sensing, Climate change and Climate Modelling, Regional climate change, Hydrometeorological and GeoHazards, Glaciology, Water resources, Ground water, Coastal studies, Hyperspectral/SAR Remote Sensing, Mining, Machine Learning, Disaster Management, Urban planning, Natural Resource Management, and Rural Development

Lab names:
  • 1. Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Lab
  • 2. Geospatial Modelling Lab
  • 3. Project Lab

Head Of Department


Dr.rer.nat. Bikash Ranjan Parida

Associate Professor & Head
  +91 8130848255

Office Address

Department of Geoinformatics
 Central University of Jharkhand
Cheri-Mantu, P.O. Kamre, P.S.Kanke Dist. Ranchi, Jharkhand, INDIA 835222