Department of Environmental Sciences
Full Name
Dr. Sushil Kumar Shukla


+91 8969271817

Department of Environmental Sciences

Researcher Id:

Google Scholar Id:
Books and Book Chapters
Awarded : 00
Ongoing : 02

Brief Profile

Dr. Sushil Kumar Shukla is an academician and researcher with more than 10 years of experience in teaching and research in the field of Environmental science and Technology with focus on Waste water treatment and management, Bioremediation, Environmental Impact Assessment, Phytomanagement of urban pollution, and Cleaner technology. Presently working as Assistant Professor in Department of Environmental Sciences, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, Jharkhand. He earned his doctorate in environmental Science from Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, UP, India.Dr. Shukla was awarded with prestigious fellowship of UGC Research Fellowship for science meritorious student (UGC-RFSMS Fellowship). He has published various research papers and book chapters in the field of Wastewater treatment, Bioremediation, Biofuel etc.


Ph.D. (Environmental Sciences ) from Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT BHU, Varanasi, UP

M.Sc. (Environmental Sciences) :

B.Sc. (Botany and Chemistry) :


  • Post Graduate: MSc,
  • Under Graduate: Int UG-PG., B. Tech,
  • PhD : Course work

Additional roles/ responsibility

  1. BOS Member (Department of Environmental Sciences, Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Energy Engineering)
  2. Deputy Dean academic affairs
  3. Departmental Research Committee Member
  4. Boys hostel warden
  5. NAAC Implementation committee member
  6. Department Placement officer


Total Publications:15
List of Latest Five :
  1. Ankit Abhilash Swain, Pallavi Sharma, Chetan Keswani, Tatiana Minkina3, Purushottam Tukkaraja, Venkataramana Gadhamshetty, Sanjeev Kumar, Kuldeep Bauddh, Narendra Kumar, Sushil Kumar Shukla, Manoj Kumar, Rama Shanker Dubey, Ming Hung Wong (April 2024), “The efficient applications of native flora for Phyto restoration of mine tailings: a pan global survey”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Impact factor: 5.8)
  2. Akshay Kumar Singh • Sushil Kumar Shukla •Pardeep Singh •Sughosh Madhav, Ashutosh Tripathi (Aug. 2023), “Assessment of air pollution tolerance and anticipated performance index of roadside trees in urban and semi urban regions”, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195:1135, (Impact factor: 3), (DOI- 10.1007/s10661-023-11759-9).
  3. Akshay Kumar Singh, Manoj Kumar, Kuldeep Bauddh, Ajai Singh, Pardeep Singh, Sughosh Madhav, Sushil Kumar Shukla (June 2023), Environmental impacts of air pollution and its abatement by plant species: A comprehensive review, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30, 79587-79616, (Impact factor: 5.8)
  4. A.Tripathi*, M. R. Ranjan , D. K.Verma, Y. Singh , Sushil Kumar Shukla , Vishnu D. Rajput , Tatiana Minkina, P. K. & M. C.Garg( July 2022), ANN GA based biosorption of As (III) from water through chemo tailored and iron impregnated fungal biofilter system, Scientific reports (Springer),Article no. 12414 (2022)(Impact factor:4.996) (10.1038/s41598-022-14802-w).
  5. Ekta Singh, Rahul Mishra, Aman Kumar , Sushil Kumar Shukla , Shang-Lien Lo , Sunil Kumar, (May 2022), Circular economy-based environmental management using biochar: Driving towards sustainability, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 163 (2022) 585-600. (Impact factor:7.8 ).

Books and Book Chapters

Books and Book Chapters:18
  1. Shukla S K., Madhav S., Kumar S & Mishra P K., (2022) “METALS IN WATER: Global Sources, Significance, and Treatment, Elsevier, ISBN978-0-323-95919-3.
  2. Ekta Singh, Aman Kumar, Rahul Mishra, Akshay Kumar Singh Sughosh Madhav, Shukla S K. and Sunil Kumar, (1 Jan 2023), “Measurement techniques for detection of metals in water resources” in Book “METALS IN WATER: Global Sources, Significance, and Treatment, Elsevier, Page no. 1-20, ISBN978-0-323-95919-3.
  3. Rahul Mishra, Ekta Singh, Aman Kumar, Akshay Kumar Singh, Sughosh Madhav, Shukla S K. and Sunil Kumar, Jan 2023, “Metal pollution in marine environment: sources and impact assessment” in Book “METALS IN WATER: Global Sources, Significance, and Treatment, Elsevier, Page no. 175-194, ISBN978-0-323-95919-3.
  4. A. Kumar, V K Tripathi, P Sachan, A Rakshit, R M Singh, Shukla S K., R Pandey, A Vishwakarma, K C Panda, (2022), Source of ions in the River ecosystem” in Book Ecological Significance of River Ecosystem: Challenges and Management Strategies, Elsevier, UK, Page no, 187-202, ISBN: 978-0323-85045-2.
  5. R Mishra, A Kumar, E Singh, S Kumar, V K Tripathi, S K Jha, Shukla S K. ,(2022), “Current status of available techniques for removal of heavy metal contamination in the river ecosystem” ” in Book Ecological Significance of River Ecosystem: Challenges and Management Strategies, Elsevier , UK, Page no, 217-234 , ISBN: 978-0323-85045-2.

Seminar/ Workshop/ Conference Participation:

Workshops and Trainings :
List of Latest Five :
  1. Successfully completed 4-week Induction/orientation programme, organized by Teaching Learning center of Ramanujan college, University of Delhi sponsored by MHRD-PMMMNMTT during June 04 to July 01 2020.
  2. AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy FDP on “3D Printing & Design”, Organized by Central University of Jharkhand and AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy, Guwahati, February 03 to 07, 2020.
  3. National Workshop on “RADIATION- A POWERFUL TOOL FOR RESEARCH IN PHYSICAL, CHEMICAL AND LIFE SCIENCES” organized by UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Kolkata Centre & Centre for Applied Physics, Central University of Jharkhand, February 13-15, 2013 at Central University of Jharkhand.
  4. Business Skill Development Programme organized by TBI, IT, BHU and supported by Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India, during 30 August 2011 to 29 September 2011.
  5. Faculty Development Programme in Entrepreneurship sponsored by NSTEDB, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi Organized at TBI, Institute of Technology, BHU, Varanasi, 13-24 December, 2010.


  1. UGC Research Fellowship for Science Meritorious Students

Any Other Information

  1. Senior member (No. 200964) in Asia-pacific Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society (APCBEES).
  2. Life Member in Prof. H.S Srivastava Foundation for Science and Society, Lucknow, UP from 09 August 2013 to till.
  3. Convener in two days International Webinar on“Integration of Transportation, Environment and Energy for Sustainable Urban Development”, held on 25-26 Nov. 2021, Jointly organized by Dept, of Transport Science and Technology and Dept. of Environmental Science, CUJ, Ranchi.
  4. Convener inOne day National Webinar on “Restoration of Ecosystem Services: Challenges & Opportunities” 5th June 2021 in association with Department of Environmental Science, CUJ, Ranchi.
  5. Organizing secretary in the 14th RASK International Webinar held on 6th -07th November 2020, Jamia University
  6. Convener in One day International Webinar on Gandhi and Gandhian thought and Philosophy, held on 30th September 2020, Organized by central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi
  7. Contributed as Organizing Member in International Conference in Environmental Challenges and Sustainability (ICECS 2018) in Central University of Jharkhand, Brambe Campus during October 31st to November 2nd 2018.
  8. Contributed as Organizing Member in ‘National Conference on Water and Sustainable Development’ in Central University of Jharkhand, Brambe Campus during January 8th to 9th, 2016.
  9. Organized National Conference on “Environmental Challenges and Solutions (NC-ECS 2015)” as an Joint Secretary at CSIR- NML, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India during 5th to 6th November, 2015.
  10. Organized World Ozone Day as an organizing Member on 18th September, 2013 at Central University of Jharkhand, Brambe, Ranchi by Centre for Environmental Sciences.
  11. Organized World Water Day as an organizing Member on 21st and 22nd March, 2013 at Central University of Jharkhand, Brambe, Ranchi jointly by Centre for Environmental Sciences & Centre for Water Engineering and Management
  12. Organized World Ozone Day as an organizing Member on 16th September, 2012 at Central University of Jharkhand, Brambe, Ranchi jointly by Centre for Environmental Sciences & Centre for Land Resource Management.

For Curriculum Vitae