Department of Environmental Sciences
Full Name
Dr. Anurag Linda


+91 9816444615

Department of Environmental Sciences

Researcher Id:

Google Scholar Id:
Books and Book Chapters
Awarded : 02
Ongoing : 03

Brief Profile

Dr. Anurag Linda is an Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Sciences, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi. He has an experience of more than twenty years working in the field of Environmental Science, having specialization pertaining to Glacier Response of the Indian Himalaya due to Climate Change. The author has also served the Department of Environmental Sciences, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamshala as an assistant professor for a decade. Dr. Linda is a trained Environmentalist; he holds a PhD and Masters Degree in Environmental Science from the School of Environmental Science, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.


Ph.D. (Environmental Sciences: Glaciology) from School of Environmental Sciences, JNU, New Delhi

M.Phil (Environmental Sciences: Glaciology) :

M.Sc. (Environmental Sciences) :

B.Sc. (Geology Hons) :


  • Post Graduate: MSc, MA, MBA
  • Under Graduate: B.Sc., B. Tech, BSE, BIS, BCA, BBA

Additional roles/ responsibility

  1. DSW (18th November, 2024 - Present)
  2. BOS Member (Department of Environmental Sciences, Department of Geo-Informatics)
  3. Associate DSW
  4. Departmental Research Committee Member


Total Publications:31
List of Latest Five :
  1. Rawal, S., Singh, D., & Linda, A. (2024). Ensuring water security by reviving selected springs in Kangra region, Himachal Himalaya, India. Water Science, 38(1), 239-255.
  2. Singh, H. P., & Linda, A. (2021). High Altitude Lake and Hydrochemistry: A Study of Lam Dal and Six Consecutive Lakes of Dhauladhar, Himachal Himalaya, India. Journal of Climate Change, 7(4), 53-70.
  3. Riju Parmar, Shikha Rawal, Harminder Pal Singh1 and Anurag Linda*. 2021. “HYSPLIT trajectory model and its application with Special reference to the Third Pole”. Journal of Environmental Science & Engineering, vol. 2, p. 1203-1213
  4. Meenakshi Hira, Sudesh Yadav, Morthekaic, Anurag Linda, Sushil Kumar, Anupam Sharma: Mobile Phones—An asset or a liability: A study based on characterization and assessment of metals in waste mobile phone components using leaching tests, Journal of Hazardous Materials 342 (2018) 29–40, 2017. (IF-10.5). Date of publication: 08 August 2017.
  5. Mohd. Farooq Azam • Al. Ramanathan • Patrick Wagnon • Christian Vincent • Anurag Linda • E. Berthier • Parmanand Sharma • Arindan Mandal • Thupstan Angchuk • Virendra Bahadur Singh • Jose George Pottakkal: Meteorological conditions, seasonal and annual mass balances of Chhota Shigri Glacier, western Himalaya, India,  Annals of Glaciology, 57(71):328-338, 2016. (IF- 2.349). Date of publication: 03 March 2016.

Books and Book Chapters

Book Chapters:35
List of Latest Five :
  1. Shikha Rawal and Anurag Linda*, “Open Dumping, a Challenge for Himalayan States: A Review”; Proceedings of Book International Conference on Extreme Weather Events under Changing Climate, ISBN: 978-93-90758-33-3.
  2. Riju, Linda, A., & Singh, H. P. (2021). Geological carbon capture and storage as a climate-change mitigation technology. Advances in Carbon Capture and Utilization, 33-55.
  3. Dutta, S., Ramanathan, A. L., Linda, A., Pottakkal, J. G., Singh, V. B., & Angchuk, T. (2015). Glacier mass balance and its significance on the water resource management in the Western Himalayas. Management of water, energy and bio-resources in the era of climate change: emerging issues and challenges, 73-83.
  4. Singh, V. B., Ramanathan, A. L., Jose, P. G., Sharma, P., Linda, A., & Azam, M. F. (2013). Decadal variation in the major ion chemistry of Chhota Shigri glacier meltwater, Lahaul-Spiti valley, Himachal Pradesh, India. Climate Change and Environment, 159.
  5. Dutta, S., Ramanathan, A., & Linda, A. (2010, May). Estimating Glacier Retreat through Satellite Based Observation In the Beas Basin, Himachal Pradesh, India. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (p. 6013).

Seminar/ Workshop/ Conference Participation:

Papers in Conference Proceedings:
List of Latest Five :
  1. Anurag Linda, 2022: Hydrochemistry of High Altitude Lakes: A Comparative Study in the Indian Himalayan Region International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Engineering Management & Science,(4 March 2022).
  2. International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Engineering, Management & Science (EMS-2022): Hydrochemistry of High and Low Altitude Lakes: A Comparative Study in the Himalayan Region, A R Research Publication 2022, ISBN: 978-93-91535-23-0.
  3. Anurag Linda, 2014: Role of Glaciers in the River Water Resource Management in the Westerm Himalaya, National Conference on Implications of Climate Change on Himalayan Environment ICHE – 14, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, CUHP, Dhramshala,20 – 21 March 2014, INDIA.
  4. Anurag Linda, Al Ramanathan, Parmanand Sharma, Thupstan Angchuk, Virendra Bahadur Singh, Jose George Potakkal, Arindan Mandal, Naveen Kumar, Mohd Farooq Azam, Patrick Wagnon and Christian Vincent: Seasonal mass-balance determination in the Indian Himalaya: Chhota Shigri Glacier, Himachal Pradesh, 2009-2012, Abstract (66A162) accepted in International Glaciological Meeting, Beijing, China (28 July–2 August 2013).
  5. Tenzin Dolker, Rita Devi, Munisha Sharma, Anurag Linda, 2013: A Review of Traditional Water Harvesting Techniques in Himachal Pradesh, "Regional Workshop on Managed Aquifer Recharge in Hills & Valleys of Himachal Pradesh" March 6, Central Ground Water Board/NHR/IEC/ Dharamshala, INDIA.
Workshops and Trainings :
List of Latest Five :
  1. Refresher Course in Environment and Sustainable Development, HRDC, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, 11th – 23rd Januray 2021.
  2. Faculty development program (Online-FDP) on the topic “Advanced Research Methodology Tools and Techniques” Ramanujan College, Delhi University 30th January – 14th February 2021.
  3. Specialised Course (SC) in higher education – Equity Privatisation and Internationisation organised by the Department of Higher and Professional Education, National University of Education Planning and Administration, from 12 – 23 December 2016 a t UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, Savitribhai Phule Pune University, Pune.
  4. Four Week Refresher Course in Environmental Studies (ID), HRDC, J.N.U, New Delhi, 28 April – 14 May 2016.
  5. 82nd Orientation Programme, UGC-HRDC, Ranchi University, Ranchi, 12 March – 08 April 2015.

Any Other Information

  1. Life member of APEC

For Curriculum Vitae