Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Full Name
Dr. Subhash Chandra Yadav


+91 9415870233

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Orcid Id : 0000-0002-1075-6384
Researcher Id

Google Scholar Id
Books and Book Chapters
Awarded : 3
Submitted : 2
Ongoing : 1

Brief Profile

Having 27+ years of Teaching and IT industry experience Dr. Yadav is a senior academician and researcher as well in the field of Computer Science and Engineering. Dr Yadav area of interest includes Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, IOT, Data Mining, Cyber Security and Computer Applications. Dr Yadav has published several, books, book chapters and research papers, articles in reputed journals and conferences. Apart from carrying academic responsibility he has contributed to Computer Society of India (CSI) as a National Chairman Education and Research (Division -V) for the year 2019/2021 and founder Chairman CSI- Varanasi Chapter; And ISCA in the capacity of Sectional Member, Sectional Recorder, and also Sectional President for the year 2013/14. Taken various imitative for the dissemination of computer literacy in the society by organizing various workshop/seminar in the eastern UP / Bihar and organized CAP ( Computer Awareness and Literacy Programs ) in villages of Ranchi (Jharkhand).


Ph.D., MTech , MCA


  • PG : M.Tech, MCA, MBA
  • UG : B. Tech, BSE, BIS, BCA, BBA

Additional roles/ responsibility

  1. Head , Department of Computer Science and Engineering
  2. Technical Cell In-Charge

Government Projects

  1. • Co-course-coordinator for Summer School on GPS, GIS and Remote Sensing (Held from 6th to 26th October – 2005, at U P College, Varanasi) sponsored by Department of Science and Technology (Ministry of Science and Technology) New Delhi.
  2. • Co-course-coordinator for an advanced DST Training Programme on Land use Planning, Management and Sustainable Development, (held at U P College, Varanasi from 3-10-2006 to 23-10-2006 ) sponsored by Department of Science and Technology (Ministry of Science and Technology New Delhi.


Total Publications 39
List of Selected Papers :
  1. Mehar Arfi1, Prof. Subhash Chandra Yadav,Dr. Amit Kumar Yadav “Integrated and automated Breast Cancer Detection Model using Deep Learning Algorithm on Digital Mammogram Images”, Vytapeni, Vetrani, Instalace (VVI) JOURNAL, Volume 11, Issue 12 December 2023, ISSN: 1210-1389. (Scopus Indexed) DOI:10.1016/VVI.2023.11.12.678
  2. Niraj Kumar, Subhash Chandra Yadav, “A Hybrid schema: LSTM-BiLSTM with Attention Mechanism to Predict Emotion in Twitter Data”,International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, 14, No.1 , Sep-2023, ISSN/eISSN:2210-142X/ 2535-9886/2210-142X, (Scopus Indexed) 
  3. Dashrath Mahto,Subhash Chandra Yadav, “Emotion Prediction for Textual Data Using GloVe Based HeBi-CuDNNLSTM Model”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, ISSN / eISSN:1380-7501 / 1573-7721, Springer, July 2023, (SCI Index, IF=2.577)
  4. Niraj Kumar, Subhash Chandra Yadav, “Comprehensive analysis of deep learning-based text classification models and applications”,International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, Vol.20(3), Article No.:2022342, ISSN/eISSN:1727-2394/1727-7841, (Sept, 2023 , Scopus Indexed)
  5. Dashrath Mahto,Subhash Chandra Yadav,Gotam Singh Latore, Sentiment Prediction of Textual Data Using Hybrid ConvBidirectional-LSTM Model, Hindawi, Mobile Information System, Vol. :2022, ,Issue: 3 (June 2022) Article ID: 1068554,ISSN/eISSN:1574-107X/1875-905X. (SCI Indexed , IF =1.8)
  6. Dashrath Mahto,Subhash Chandra Yadav, Hierarchical Bi-LSTM based Emotion Analysis of Textual Data for enhanced Sentiment Prediction , ARTIFICIAL AND COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences , Vol.;70(3),April 2022 (SCI Indexed , IF=1.66) DOI:10.24425/bpasts.2022.14100.
  7. Subhash Chandra Yadav , Prashant Kumar , Pushpendra Kumar , Digital Farming: IoT Enabled Smart Sensor Based Insect and Animal Detection System, International Journal of Aquatic Science (ISSN: 2008-8019) , Vol. 12, Issue 2, Srl. No. 2, pp. 2564- 2573, (June, 2021) (Web of Science Indexed) Web Link:
  8. Mehar Arfi , Subhash Chandra Yadav, A Survey on Applications of Deep Learning Techniques in Medical Diagnostics for Cancer Detection, Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology (ISSN: 2281-4876 ) Vol. 10, Issue 1, pp.1359-1367,( 18 August , 2021) (Web of Science Indexed).
  9. Subhash Chandra Yadav , Pushpendra Kumar , Virendra Kumar , Performance Analysis Of Deep Neural Network Algorithm With Optimizer For Rumour Detection, International Journal of Aquatic Science (ISSN: 2008-8019) , Vol. 12, Issue 3 Srl.No. 3, pp. 38-45,(30 June, 2021) (Web of Science Indexed). Web Link:
  10. Ramjeet Singh Yadav , Subhash Chandra Yadav , Dr. Deepak Kumar , A Case Study on Diagnostics of Medical Data Set to Detect the Outliers in Systolic Blood Pressure using Machine Learning Approach, Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology (ISSN: 2281-4876) Vol. 10, Issue 1,pp. 1253-1261. ( 11 August , 2021) (Web of Science Indexed).
  11. Arpan Sinha, Teena Bagga and Subhash Chandra Yadav, Model ICT System and its Intervention in Service Industry : Impact on Creativity, Social and Ethical Issues, International Journal Agricultural and Statistical Sciences. (ISSSN: 0973-1903 , eISSN: 0976-3392) Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 419-427.(April, 2021) (Scopus Indexed) DocID:
  12. Dashrath Mahto,Subhash Chandra Yadav, “Emotion Analysis from Text Data Using HeBiLSTM”, The Journal of Oriental Research Madras (print only), Vol. 92, Issue:4, Page. No.169-178, ISSN:0022-3301. September 2021, (UGC Care)


Show All Publications(+)


  1. Cyber Security: An Introduction, Dr. Subhash Chandra Yadav, ISBN: 978-81-93857168, Veer Bahadur Publication, Lucknow, No. of Pg. 345, (April, 2019).
  2. UNIX: A Practical Approach, Dr. Subhash Chandra Yadav, ISBN: 978-81-93841679, Poddar Publication, Varanasi, No. of Pg. 193, (April,2019).
  3. Proceedings of 101st Indian Science Congress Conference, Information and Communication Science & Technology (including Computer Science), as a sectional President for the year 2013-14.
  4. Introduction to Client / Server Computing, Subhash Chandra Yadav and Sanjay Kumar Singh, ISBN: 978-81-224-2689-2, New Age International (P) Ltd., No. of Pg. 213, (2009).

Book Chapters

  1. Kumari, S., Yadav, S.C., Kumar, P. (2024). Deep Learning Approach for Detection of Learning Disabilities in Higher Education. In: Kaluri, R., Mahmud, M., Gadekallu, T.R., Rajput, D.S., Lakshmanna, K. (eds) Applied Assistive Technologies and Informatics for Students with Disabilities. Applied Intelligence and Informatics. Springer, Singapore. Online, pp153-161, 29 May 2024,
  2. Literature review on digital Image Processing and Techniques; Bhardwaj B.K, Agarwal, S.K., Yadav S.C.; Recent Advances in Management & Technology,ISBN:978-93-86608-94-9, Bharti Publications, New Delhi, Pg No: -, (March/April 2019).
  3. A review on advancement of Medical Images through the enhance techniques, Yadav N.L, Agarwal, S.K., Yadav S.C.;Recent Advances in Management & Technology,ISBN :978-93-86608-94-9, Bharti Publications, New Delhi, Pg No: -, (2019).
  4. AI Tools and their Applications for Future Power Systems, Yadav S. C, Singh S. K.,International Conference on Challenges and Strategies for Sustainable Energy, Efficiency and Environment, ISBN:81-224-1910-0, New Age International (P) LtdPg No: 383-389, (2006).
  5. Digital Divide & Futuristic ICT Advancements: An issue of concern to ensure reachability, availability and accessibility in society, Singh M. K., Yadav S. C, International Seminar on Socio Technical Frontiers of Global Management IS-2014[ ISBN:9789382061113], Vol-III, Excel India Publishers, New Delhi, Pg No: 106 -113, (2014).
  6. ICT Enabled Teaching & Learning Environment in Varanasi City for Higher Education, Inter National seminar on “Vision for Varanasi- Approach to City Management of Varanasi” IS- 2015 in RSMT, Varanasi.

Program Organised


  1. One Week Virtual Workshop on “ The Role of Academia & IT in Upskilling: The Digital Workforce” 5th to 9th September 2022.
  2. One Week Online ATAL FDP on “Data Analytics using Python (Practical Approach)” Organized by Department of Computer Science & Technology,  jointly by Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi   25th to 29th April 2022.
  3. Five days FDP on "Data Science and Machine Learning  Sponsored by ATAL - AICTE, New Delhi  20th to 24th September 2021
  4. Five days FDP on "Internet of Things (IoT)   Sponsored by ATAL - AICTE, New Delhi.   14th to 18th September 2020
  5. Three weeks Practical Training Program on Cyber security/Digital Forensic  in Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi   February -2020
  6. Webinar on Emerging Technologies for Higher Education Post COVID-19   in Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi  May 16 2020
  7. Five days Computer Awareness Program (CAP) for Tribal and Rural Children  Village Manatu, District Ranchi , Estate Jharkhand.  19th to 24th July 2020
  8. Five days FDP on "CYBER SECURITY",  Sponsored by ATAL - AICTE, New Delhi  16th to 20th September 2019
  9. TWO weeks training program on Cyber Security  Cyber Thana Ranchi  11-02-2019 to 23-02-2019
  10. One day workshop on “Research Methodology & LaTeX Learning  14 December 2018.


  1. Chairman BoS, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, CUJ, Ranchi.
  2. Chairman DRC, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,, CUJ, Ranchi
  3. Member Board of Studies Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Civil Engineering, Energy Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Commerce, Life Science at CUJ.
  4. External Member Board of Studies Department of CSE, RKDF University, Ranchi.
  5. Chairman , Committee of ICT and Network Infrastructure and Internet Services at CUJ.
  6. National Chairman (2019-2021) Division - 5, Education and Research, Computer Society of India
  7. President (2013/14), Information and Communication Science & Technology (including Computer Science) Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA).
  8. Founder Chairman (2011/12), Computer Society of India (CSI), Varanasi Chapter year 2010/11, also Chairman Elected.
  9. National Significant Contribution Award for the year 2010, Computer Society of India, at IIM Ahmedabad on 1-12-2011.
  10. Purvanchal Samman for the year 2012, for significant contribution in education in eastern UP by Vijay Dubey Foundation,Varanasi.
  11. National Significant Contribution Award for the year 2011, Computer Society of India, at University of Kolkata on 1-12-2012.
  12. • Best Poster Presentation award, 95thIndian Science Congress Conference-2008 at Vishakhapatanam in Section of Information Communication Technology (including Computer Science).

Any Other Information

Membership of Professional Bodies/Societies etc.
1. Computer Society of India (Life Member)
2. Indian Science Congress Association (Life Member)

For Curriculum Vitae