Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Full Name
Dr. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal


+91 9415800952

Department of Computer Science and Engineering,Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi- 835205, India

Researcher Id

Google Scholar Id
Books and Book Chapters

Brief Profile

Dr. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal is an Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, India. She received her Ph.D in Computer Science in 2012 from University of Allahabad. Her area of interest includes Cross layer designs, Energy Efficient Wireless Networks, MANETs, Image Processing, Machine Learning.

Education Qualifications



Assistant Professor
  • Department of Computer Science & Engineering  Central University of Jharkhand  February, 2020 to Present.

Courses Taught

  • 1. Ph.D
  • 2. M.Tech (CSE)
  • 3. B.Tech (CSE)
  • 4. Int. UG & PG

Additional Roles/ Responsibility

  1. Member, Board of Studies, DCSE, 2021-24
  2. Member, Department Research Committee (DRC) since April 2022.
  3. Member, IT Policy CUJ
  4. Member, Departmental Admission Committee for CUCET 2020 till date
  5. Member, Departmental Academic Purchase Committee 2020
  6. Warden, Girls Hostel Brambe Campus, Since 2023
  7. Member, BoS, Department of Geography


  1. Title: An IOT based Smart Gas Monitoring and Controlling System
    Application No: 202231009348A
    Publication Date: 11/03/2022
  2. Title: Process for Selection of Region Head of Region Head of Region in WSN
    Application No: 202231068919 A
    Publication Date: 09/12/2022
  1. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, Rajiv Ranjan Tewari, “Increasing Connectivity using Hybrid Farthest Intermediate Cooperative Cross Layer Design for Wireless Sensor Network”, National Academy of Science Letter, Volume.34, Number. 7&8, pp. 265-273 July-August 2011 issue.[SCI-E, Q3, IF = 1.1]
  2. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, Rajiv Ranjan Tewari, “Cross Layer Route Discovery using Farthest Intermediate Link Distance Reliability Cost Based for MANETS”, National Academy of Science Letters, Volume.34, Number 5&6, page. 189-197, May-June 2011 issue. [SCI-E, Q3, IF = 1.1]
  3. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, Rajiv Ranjan Tewari, “Cross Layer Design for Cooperative Transmission in Wireless Sensor Network”,Wireless Sensor Network, Volume 3, Number 6, page 209-214, June2011. DOI:10.4236/wsn.2011.36024
  4. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, Rajiv Ranjan Tewari, “E2XLRADR (Energy Efficient Cross layer Routing algorithm with Dynamic Retransmission for Wireless Sensor Networks”, Special Issue in International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Network, Aug 2010, Volume 2, Number 3, pp. 167-177 Aug 2010. DOI: 10.5121/ijwmn.2010.2312
  5. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, Rajiv Ranjan Tewari, “Routing Algorithm: An Energy Efficient Sleep/Awake cross layer for wireless sensor networks,”, Advances in Wireless & Mobile Communication, Volume 3, Number 2, 2010, page 139-146.
  6. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, “Link Distance Link Cost Link Error Based Energy Efficient Cross Layer Reliable Routing for Wireless Sensor Network”,International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications (IJCISIM), Volume 5, (2013), pp. 437-444. ISSN 2150-7988. DOI: 10.1109/wict.2011.6141350. [UGC Approved & Scopus]
  7. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, Rajiv Ranjan Tewari, “Cross layer design for network lifetime extension with retransmission by sending traffic to multiple paths”, Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Studies Vol (1) pp 6-9, January 2015.
  8. Ekta Agrawal, Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal "Evaluation of Voice Codec of VOIP Applications for MANETs," International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Volume 4, Number 4 (August 2014), pp 2599-2603. ISSN : 2277-4106. [UGC Approved]
  9. Ekta Agrawal, Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal "QoS Evaluation of VOIP codec in Mobile Ad hoc Network,"International Journal of Advanced Information Science and Technology, Vol. 30, No.30, pp. 103-109, Oct 2014.
  10. Prakash Tripathi, Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal "Security in Vehicular Ad hoc Network,"International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Vol 3, Issue 11, ISSN : 2278-1021,Nov 2014. [UGC & Scopus]
  11. Prakash Tripathi, Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal "Security in Vehicular Ad hoc Network using digital envelop in distributed environment,"International Journal of advanced research in computer & communication engineering, Vol 4, Issue 3, pp 1-8, March 2015. DOI: 10.17148/ijarcce.2015.4313
  12. Surabhi Saxena, Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal "SURVEY: Increasing Energy of Node by Modified Leach Protocol,"International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, Vol 3 Issue 9, pp. 5466-5469, September 2015 Doi: 10.17762/ijritcc.v3i9.4862 [Scopus]
  13. Surabhi Saxena, Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal "WSN Lifetime Enhancement by Utilizing Distribution Hetrogeneity Parameters," International Journal of Research and Development in Applied Science and Engineering, Vol 8, Issue 1, October 2015.
  14. Attiuttama, Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal "An Approach for Congestion Control in Wireless Network using Sliding Window,"International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, vol. 3, no. 10, pp. 9526-9532, October 2015. DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2015
  15. Attiuttama, Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal "Analyzing Superiority of Tail Drop over Random Early Discard by evaluating throughput using varying queue length in 802.11,"International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Volume-03, Issue-11, Page No (23-27), Nov -2015, E-ISSN:2347-2693 [UGC Approved] .
  16. Priyanka, Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal "Time Effective Vehicle Booking: A Novel data Online Cluster Search Recommender System,"International Journal of Computer & Technology, Volume 15, No 13, November 2016, DOI: 10.24297/ijct.v15i13.4817
  17. Tripathi Lalit Kumar, Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal "Time Effective Vehicle Booking: A Novel data Online Cluster Search Recommender System,"International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies”, Volume 7, No 5, pp 2381-2384, 2016, ISSN 0975-9646
  18. Tripathi Lalit Kumar, Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal "Analysis of Black Hole Attack During Route Discovery Phase of AODV in MANET,"International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research”, Volume 4, No 11, pp 75-80, Nov 2017, ISSN 2454-1907. DOI: 10.5281/zenoda.1117167
  19. Jyoti Khuswaha, Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal "Review Paper on VANET and the Challenges,"Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education”, Volume 16, Issue:5, ISSN 2230-7540, April 2019. [UGC Approved]
  20. Jyoti Khuswaha, Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal "Implementation of GPVR and its Comparison with GPSR,"Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education”, Volume 16, Issue:6, ISSN 2230-7540, May 2019. [UGC Approved] .
  21. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, A. K. Das, P. Kumar, D. S. Rajput, A. Alam, A. J. Obaid, “Real Time Surveillance System for Detection of Social Distancing”, International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications (IJEHMC) Vol. 13(4), pp. 1-13, 2022(IGI Global/Scopus).
  22. A. Sharma, P. Kumar, Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, A. J. Obaid, H. Patel “Categorical Data Clustering Using Harmony Search Algorithm for Healthcare datasets”, International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications (IJEHMC), Vol. 13(4), pp. 1-15, 2022(IGI Global/Scopus).
  23. Priyanka, Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal "Hematological image analysis for segmentation and characterization of erythrocytes using Fc-TriSDR,"Multimedia Tools and Applications. Volume 81 (Issue), Article ID: 13613, ISSN 1380-7501. August 2022 (SCI-E, Q2, IF = 2.57)
  24. Prasanta Pratim Bairagi, Mala Dutta & Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal "An Energy-Efficient Protocol based on Recursive Geographic Forwarding Mechanisms for Improving Routing Performance in WSN,"IETE Journal of Research, March 2023, Vol 69, PP 1-13 DOI: 10.1080/03772063.2023.2186501, (2023) ISSN 0974-780X (SCI-E, Q3, IF =1.87)
  25. P Kumar and, Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, (2023). “Automated Detection of Microfilariae Parasite in Blood Smear using OCR-NURBS Image Segmentation”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s11042-023-17958-3 (SCI-E, Quartile:Q2, Imp.Fact. 3.0).
  26. P. P. Bairagi, Gaurav Kataria, Mala Dutta and Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal et al “Impact of Network Size on Routing Protocols Performance in Wireless Sensor Network: A Simulation”, Journal of Electrical Systems , Vol. 20 No. 2, page. 508-515, DOI:, April 2024. (Scopus)
  27. M. Priyadarshani, P. Kumar, Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal , D. S. Rajput, and H. Patel (2024). “Human Brain Waves Study using EEG and Deep Learning for Emotion Recognition”, IEEE Access, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3427822 (SCI-E, Quartile:Q1, Imp.Fact. 3.4).
  28. P. Singh, P. Kumar, H. Patel, Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, A. Gayathri (2025). “Premier Dynamic Bandwidth Management and Tensile Wavelength Selection Ensuring QoS for NG-EPONs”, IEEE Access, 2025. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2025.3532496 (SCI-E, Quartile:Q1, Imp.Fact. 3.4).
  29. P. Rani, P. Kumar, Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, S. Kumar (2025). “Interpolation of Erythrocytes and Leukocytes Microscopic image using MsR-CNN with Yolo v9 Model”, Discover Computing, 2025. DOI: 10.1007/s10791-025-09513-5 (Springer/SCI-E).
  1. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, Rajiv Ranjan Tewari, "Cross Layer Energy Efficient Cost Link Based Routing for Wireless Sensor Network”, Special Session in IEEE World Congress on Information & Communication Technology, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, December 11-14, 2011pp 804-809. [IEEE]
  2. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, Rajiv Ranjan Tewari, ”Cross Layer Cooperative Clustering for Performance Enhancement in Wireless Sensor Network”, In Proceedings of IEEE 2nd International Conference on Current Trends in Technology, NUiCONE, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, December 8-10, 2011. [IEEE]
  3. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, Rajiv Ranjan Tewari, “ Cross Layer Design with Link and Reliability Analysis for Wireless Sensor Network”, In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Current Trends in Technology, NUiCONE, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Dec. 8-10, 2011. [IEEE]
  4. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, Rajiv Ranjan Tewari, “ Cross Layer Energy Efficient Routing (XLE2R) for Prolonging the lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network ”, International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology (ICCCT-2010), MNNIT Allahabad, September 15 -17, 2010, pp. 70-74, [IEEE]
  5. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, Rajiv Ranjan Tewari, “Cross Layer Design for Network Lifetime Extension with Retry Limit for Retransmission by Sending the traffic to Multiple Paths”, International Conference on Control, Computing, Communication and Materials-2013 (ICCCCM-2013), UIT, Allahabad, August 03-04, 2013. [IEEE]
  6. Akhilesh Kumar Singh, Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal , Surabhi Kesarwani, Ajeet pandey, “Intelligent Transport System: Emergence of new era in Transport Management” , International Conference on Control, Computing, Communication and Materials-2013 (ICCCCM-2013), UIT, Allahabad, August 03-04, 2013. [IEEE]
  7. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, Rajiv Ranjan Tewari “An Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm for Wireless sensor Networks” In Proceedings of 11thInternational Conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences, University of Allahabad, February 20-22, 2010.
  8. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, Rajiv Ranjan Tewari “Cross layer design for network lifetime extension with retransmission by sending traffic to multiple paths”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Exploring Trends and Practices in Information Technology and Management, sponsored by UGC (CRO), St. Aloysius College,5-6th Jan, 2015, Jabalpur, MP. BEST PAPER AWARDED.
  9. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, Rajiv Ranjan Tewari, "An Energy Efficient Reliable cross layer routing algorithm for MANETs," National Seminar on Lazer, Spectroscopy and Nanomaterials, Nehru Gram Bharati University, Allahabad, March 5-7, 2011
  10. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, Rajiv Ranjan Tewari “XLRA Cross layer Routing Algorithm with dynamic Retransmission for multi hop Wireless Sensor network”, in Proceeding of Advances & Trends in Web-Based Computing (ATWBC-2010), Mahatama Gandhi Kashi VidyaPeth, Varanasi, March 28-29, 2010.
  11. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, Rajiv Ranjan Tewari “Comparing Directed and Random Routing Based on Lifetime Metric for WSNs”, 84th Annual Session of Academy of National Academy of Science, Jai Narayan Vyas University, Jodhpur, December 5-6th 2014.
  12. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, Rajiv Ranjan Tewari “Cluster Computing using Cross Layer Design for MANETs” 85th Annual Session of National Academy of Science, KIIT University, Bhubaneshwar, December 6-8 2015.
  13. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, Rajiv Ranjan Tewari “Security in Vehicular Ad hoc Network in distributed environment” 86th Annual Session of National Academy of Science, UCOST, Dehradun, December 2-4, 2016.
  14. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal “Cross Layer designs” Two Day Zonal Seminar on ICT: Current Perspective” organized by IETE Allahabad Center on April 12-13, 2014.
  15. Shradha Gupta, Shilpa Choudhary, Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal and Sanjeev Sharma “Optimizing and validating performance of 40Gbps optical system” In Modern Electronics Devices and Communication Systems: Proceedings of MEDCOM 2021, pp. 131-140, 2023. [Springer]
  16. Babulal, Kanojia Sindhuben , and Amit Kumar Das “Deep Learning-Based Object Detection: An Investigation.” In Futuristic Trends in Networks and Computing Technologies: Select Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on FTNCT 2012, pp. 697-711. 2022, [Springer]
  17. Bairagi, Prasanta Pratim, Mala Dutta, and Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal “Location based Routing Protocols and its Performances in Wireless Sensor Networks: An Investigation.” In 2022 3rd International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC), pp. 583-590. 2022. [IEEE].
  18. Puspendra Kumar, Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal , Dashrath Mahto and Zaviya Khurshid. “Analyzing Deep Neural Network Algorithms for Recognition of Emotions using Textual Data.” In 5th International Conference on Information Systems and Management Science (ISMS 2022) organized by Faculty of ICT, University of Malta, during November 24-26, 2022. [Springer]
  19. Bairagi, Prasanta Pratim, Mala Dutta, and Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal. “Performance Comparison of Various Routing Protocols with reference to the network Size in Wireless Sensor Network” In International Conference on Emerging Wireless Technologies and Sciences (ICEWTS-2023) organized by AAIR Lab, India during 07-08 May 2023. [IEEE]
  20. Jangade, Jyoti, and Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal “Study on Deep Learning Models for Human Pose Estimation and its Real Time Application” In 2023 6th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON), pp. 1-6. 2023, [IEEE].
  21. Kumar, P. and Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, 2023, February. “Pre-processing Pipelines for Effective Segmentation of Lymphatic Filariasis Parasite Images” In International Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms (pp. 403-414). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
  22. P Kumar, Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, “Automated Diagnosis of Lymphatic Filariasis: A Robust Approach for Microfilariae Detection using Image Processing and Stacking Classifier”, 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), Delhi, India, 2023. , pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICCCNT56998.2023.

Books and Book Chapters

Total Publications: 3
  1. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, and Bashu Kumar Nayak, "Suicidal Analysis on Social Networks Using Machine Learning." In The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) and Telemedicine Frameworks and Applications, pp. 230-247. IGI Global, 2023. ISBN: 9781668435335
  2. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal and Apurba Kundu. "Authentication ByPass Through Social Engineering". In Cybercrime in Social Media Theory and Solution, pp 225-244, Taylor and Francis, May 2023. ISBN 9781032300825
  3. Prasanta Pratim Bairagi, Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal , and Mala Dutta. "Power Management in Wireless Sensor Networks." In Advanced Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks, pp. 151-171. Chapman and Hall/CRC.

Program Organised

  1. Organising Secretary of Two- days National Webinar on “Emerging Technologies for Higher Education “Post COVID-19”, Organised by Department of Computer Science & Technology,  Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi,  16th- 17th May 2020
  2. Co-coordinator of One Week Online ATAL FDP on “Internet of Things(IoT)” Organised by Department of Computer Science & Technology,   Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi,   14thto 18th September 2020.
  3. Co-ordinator of One Week Online ATAL FDP on “Data Analytics and Machine Learning” Organised by Department of Computer Science & Technology,   Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi,   20th to 24th September 2021.
  4. Co-ordinator of One Week Online ATAL FDP on “Data Analytics using Python (Practical Approach)” Organised by Department of Computer Science & Technology,  Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi,   25th to 29th April 2022.
  5. Organizing Secretary of One Week Virtual Workshop on “The Role of Academia & IT in Upskilling: The Digital Workforce” Organised by Department of Computer Science & Engineering,  Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi,   5th to 9th September 2022

Expert Lectures / Invited Talk

  1. Delivered Lecture as Speaker in Faculty Development Program on “Data Structures and Algorithms” on 4th to 9th July 2016 at United College of Engineering and Research, Allahabad Sponsored by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University.
  2. Delivered Invited talk on Wireless Sensor Networks, Technology and Applications on 12/06/2015 in Summer Training Workshop Organized by The Institution and Telecommunication Engineers
  3. Delivered Lecture as Speaker in Faculty Development Program on “Advance Computer Networks” on 1st to 5th May 2018 at United College of Engineering and Research, Allahabad sponsored by DR A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University.
  4. Delivered Invited Talk on “ICT & New Technologies” on 05/12/2020 at UGC Refresher Course on Information and Communication Technologies at University of Allahabad.
  5. Delivered Invited talk on “Wireless Sensor Networks: An Introduction” on 13/02/2021 at Webinar under CSI Student Branch, RCPET’S IMRD, Shirpur, Maharashtra.
  6. Resource person in One Week FDP in AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on Data Analytics and Machine Learning on topic “Genetic Algorithm” from 20/09/2021 to 24/09/2021 at Central University of Jharkhand
  7. Delivered Invited Talk on “Digital Security in Classrooms” on 25th – 30th April 2022 in One Week Orientation Program in Natural Sciences for Teachers of Senior Secondary Schools (OPNST)-2022 at Department of Physics, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, Jharkhand.

PhD Supervision

  1. Prasanta Pratim Bairagi, Ph.D Thesis Title: Design and Simulation of an Energy Efficient Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network,  Co-Supervisor    Awarded on 11/07/23
  1. Priyanka Kumar, Ph.D Thesis Title: Image Analysis of Lymphatic Filariasis Parasite,  Supervisor    2021
  2. Jyoti Jangade, Ph.D Thesis Title: Implementation of Machine Learning Techniques for Identification of Correct YOGA Poses,   Supervisor   2021


  1. Awardee of UGC National Fellowship for Ph.D, 2007-2011
  2. Best Paper Award UGC Sponsored International Conference in 2015

Any Other Information

  1. IEEE Member (Id: 95659892)
  2. Lifetime Member IAENG (Id: 112741)
  3. Lifetime Member MIR LABS, USA