Department of Commerce and Financial Studies
Full Name
Dr. Bateshwar Singh


+91-8375981156, 91-8130164054

Department of Commerce and Financial Studies

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Books and Book Chapters
Awarded : 0
Ongoing : 0

Brief Profile

Prof. Bateshwar Singh holds Ph.D., in the area of Accounting & Finance from BHU (Banaras Hindu University). Prof. Singh’s research and teaching interests include Banking, Finance and General Management. Pro .Singh has published about four dozen research papers in various national and international journals especially in the areas of finance, financial institutions and Banking. He has also been actively involved in joint research at national and international levels. Prof. Singh has teaching and research experience of 20 years (1998-2019) in area of Accounting and Finance. Besides teaching, he has been at various academic and administrative posts at various reputed institutes. To name a few, Ramjas Colleges, University of Delhi, Arni University, Himachal Pradesh, SSIT&R, Mohali and MM University, Mullana, Ambala, Haryana.



M.Com :in Mathematics at Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, 2002


  • Personal Tax Planning
  • Statistics
  • Indian Financial System
  • Research Methodology

Additional roles/ responsibility

  1. Dean – School of Management Sciences
  2. Head of Department – DCFS & DBA
  3. Member-BOS (Department)
  4. Member- School Board
  5. Member – Academic Council


List Of Latest Five :
  1. Bateshwar Singh, 2018. Role of Regional Rural Banks in India’s New differentiated Banking Design: Competition from new entrant Small Finance, Mudra and Payments Banks. Uttaranchal Business Review, Vol.-8 (Issue-1), Page No.11-22, ISSN-2277-1816.
  2. Bateshwar Singh, 2017. An Empirical Study on Regional Rural Banks in India. Journal of Management Value & Ethics, Vol.-7, (No-4), page No.4-19, ISSN-2249-9512.
  3. Bateshwar Singh, 2017. Progress of Banking System in India. Motherhood International journal of Multidisciplinary Research and development Vol.-1, (No-IV), Page No.1-9, ISSN -2456-2831.
  4. Bateshwar Singh, 2017. Performance of RRBs Post Amalgamation. International Journal of Contemporary Research, Vol-4, (No.2), Page No. 53-60, ISSN: 2393-8358.
  5. Bateshwar Singh, 2017. Performance of Indian Banking in Global Prospective, Shodh Drishti Vol.8, (No.5) Page No.1-8, ISSN: 0976-6650.

Books and Book Chapters

Books and Book Chapters:04
  1. Bateshwar Singh, Indian Banking system, Media Associates Delhi, 2015
  2. Bateshwar Singh, Rural credit in India, Media Associates, Delhi, 2015
  3. Bateshwar Singh, 2012. Green Marketing Innovative Environmental approach towards Marketing. In: Recent Trends in Management Research; Sunil Yadav, pp.222-231, ISBN-978-81-261-5064-9.
  4. Bateshwar Singh, 2013. Developments in Capital Markets. In: Recent Trends in Management Ajay Dwivedi , pp 12-20, ISBN : 978–93–81284–02–5.

Seminar/ Workshop/ Conference Participation:

List of Latest Five :
  1. Bateshwar Singh, 2017 Lending structure of Regional Rural Bankd (RRBs) in India an Empirical study. Presented paper at National seminar on International Financial System :Challenges and Implication in India organized by Faculty of Commerce SBSEC & DFS University of Delhi.
  2. Bateshwar Singh, 2016. Performance of Indian Banking in Global Prospective and its role towards CSR. Presented paper at International seminar on Social Responsibility of Business: Big Push and its Sustainability organized by Faculty of Commerce & Management, SGT University during December, 29-30, 2016.
  3. Bateshwar Singh, 2013. Development of Capital Markets during the year 2013. Paper presented at International Conference on Decision Science in management Global Services ISDSI 2013 organized by IMI New Delhi during Dec 28-30,2013.
  4. Bateshwar Singh, 2012. Role of IT in Rural Development. Paper presented at Nation seminar on Spectrum of information technology developments at India prospective organized by Baba Budha College BirShahibTarantaran during Februray17-18, 2012.
  5. Bateshwar Singh, 2011. Cognitive effect of using Brand Ambassadors in mobile Companies and its impact on consumer Behavior. Paper presented at National Conference on Globalization and Management Development (GMD) organized by SASIIT&R Mohali during April 22-23, 2011.
  1. Participated in Accounting Symposium on International Financial Reporting Standard organized by Indian Accounting Association at (SRCC) DU during May 5-6, 2016.
  2. Participated in International conference on Innovation & Case Research Workshop organized by MDI Gurgoan during January 8-9, 2016.
  3. Participated in Quality Improvement Programme in Accounting and financestr organized by Management Development Institute (MDI), Gurgaon. During December 22, 2008- Jan 02, 2009.
  4. Participated in faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Research methods organized by MM university Mullana, Ambala on June 28, 2007.
  5. Participated in Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Entrepreneurship organized by Management Development Institute (MDI), Gurgaon during March 20-30, 2006.

Program Organised

  1. National Conference on Globalization and Management Development (GMD-2011), Mohali Punjab India.   April 22-23, 2011
  2. Member, National Advisory, ETMBN organized by Faculty of Basic Sciences, Arni University.  


  1. Received the highly prestigious “Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad Puraskar” for Educational up-liftment 2012 for outstanding achievements, contribution & services towards spreading quality education. (on occasion of Birth Anniversary of Mulana Abdul Kalam Azad dated Nov 11, 2012.)

For Curriculum Vitae