Dr. Vijay Kumar Yadav
Assistant Professor,
Department of Education,
Central University Of Jharkhand, Ranchi
Cell : 08668897230
E-Mail : dr.vkyadav@cuj.ac.in |
Educational Qualification |
M.A., B.Ed., M.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D. (Education), NET (Education), NET (Hindi), PGDCA, CCNA
Area of Interest |
Pedagogy of Language Education, Educational Technology, ICT, Educational Research, Teacher Education |
Courses Taught |
B.A.B.Ed., B.Sc.B.Ed., B.Ed., M.Ed. |
Administrative responsibilities (with active period) |
Hostel Warden From 09/10/2020 till date |
Additional role/ responsibility |
Hostel Warden From 09/10/2020 till date |
Articles Published/ Accepted |
Research publications
Articles in Journals (Published/ Accepted)
Recent Five
- Yadav,V. K., Tyagi. P., Tyagi. S.K. (2021).“स्नातक स्तर के विद्यार्थी-शिक्षकों की हिंदी भाषा कौशल उपलब्धि पर मिश्रित शिक्षण-अधिगम उपागम की प्रभावशीलता”.भारतीय आधुनिक शिक्षा, एन.सी.ई.आर.टी. नई दिल्ली
- Yadav,V. K., Gupta. S. (2021). A Study on Indian Banking Sector: Recent Trends and issues along with the role of Education in Financial Inclusion”.Shodh Sanchar Bulletin, Vol.10, Issue 40,231-236. ISSN: 2229-3620.
- Yadav,V. K., Tyagi. P. (2020). “Development of Blended Learning Based Module: Concept And Designing”.Shodh Sarita, Vol. 7, Issue 28, 56-61.ISSN – 2348-2397.
- Yadav,V. K., Pyari. P. (2020). “Impact of Visual Learning based Teaching Module on Achievement of Deaf students”. Education India, Vol. 9, Issue-4, ISSN 2278-2435.
- Yadav,V. K. (2020). “Role of Teacher’s Digital Competence in Teaching”. International Journal of Education and Psychological Research (IJEPR) Vol. 9, Issue -3,ISSN: 2349 – 0853.
Book Chapters (Published)
- Yadav, V.K. (2018). प्रारंभिक स्तर पर भाषा कौशलों का विकास एवं उनका शिक्षण. Language Educationin the Age of Globalisation, RIE, NCERT, Ajmer. ISBN:978-81-937186-1-2
Updated as on |
01 March. 2021 |